C++ Operator Classification

The C++ programming language offers different types of operators. These operators are used in expressions that evaluate to a single value. Sometimes the operator is used in decision making that changes the flow of the program.


Here is the diagram that classifies C++ operators into different categories.

C++ Operators Classification

Arithmetic Operators

+Addition operation
Subtraction operation
/Division operation
%Mod operation ( gives remainder)

Assignment Operators

Operator Description
=Assigns right-value to left-value
+=Assigns ( left-value + right-value) to left-value
-=Assigns ( left-value – right-value) to left-value
*=Assigns ( left-value * right-value) to left-value
/=Assigns ( left-value/ right-value ) to left-value
%=Assigns (left-value % right-value) to left-value
>>=Right-shift and then assign to left-value
<<=Left-shift and then assign to left-value
&=Bitwise AND operation and then assign to left-value
|=Bitwise OR operation and then assign to left-value.
~=Bitwise complement and then assign to left-value

Note: In the following expression is left-value and is right-value.

A = 10;

Logical Operators

<Less than
>Greater than
<=Less than or equal to
>=Greater than or equal to
== Equal to
!=Not equal to
&&AND operation
||OR operation
!NOT operation

Bitwise Operators

&Bitwise AND operation
|Bitwise OR operation
^Bitwise Exclusive OR (XOR) operation
>>Bitwise Right Shift
<<Bitwise Left Shift
~Bitwise Complement

Unary Operators

*Pointer reference
&Reference to address of a variable
Negative value
!Not operation
~Bitwise complement
++Increment operator
Decrement operator
typeForced conversion to another data type
sizeofSize of a data type in bytes

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