C++ Equality Operators

In C++ programs sometimes we need to check for equality of two variables or two expressions. The result of which is a boolean value such as true or false. The equality operators help us compare two numbers or expressions. This will change the flow of the program in different directions. There are two equality operators: … Read more

C++ Relational Operators

The C++ relational operators used to compare two numbers and check which one is larger or smaller than the other. The result is a boolean value – true or false. There are four relational operators listed here. Relational Operator Description < Less than > Greater than <= Less than or equal to >= Greater than … Read more

C++ Identifiers

C++ identifiers are names that identify program elements such as variables using alphabets, numbers, and underscore. Here is the list of characters for: Alphabets: Numbers: Underscore: Any other character from your keyboard that does not fall under the above category is called a special character. The uppercase and lowercase are distinct characters. They have different … Read more

C++ Logical Operators

The C++ needs logical operators to control the flow of the program. The expressions involving logical operators evaluate to boolean value – true or false. Then the program makes decisions based on the outcome. There are three types of logical operators. Logical Operators Description && Logical AND || Logical OR ! Not Note that there … Read more

C++ Assignment Operators

The assignment operators assign new values to the variable. The variable may already be holding a value ,but the assignment will change the current value to a new one. It can appear anywhere within an expression, with the sole purpose of assigning the right-hand-side (RHS) value to the left-hand-side (LHS) value. Here is the list … Read more

C++ Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators carry basic arithmetic operations in a C++ program. These operators are used in simple mathematical expressions. They are also known as binary operators because each operator requires at least two operands. Here is a list of arithmetic operators. Arithmetic Operators Description + Addition – Subtraction * Multiplication / Division % Modulo The operators … Read more

C++ Operator Classification

The C++ programming language offers different types of operators. These operators are used in expressions that evaluate to a single value. Sometimes the operator is used in decision making that changes the flow of the program. Here is the diagram that classifies C++ operators into different categories. Arithmetic Operators Operator Description + Addition operation – … Read more

C/C++ Keywords

The are identifiers that cannot be used as . These are reserved words used as instructions in a C/C++ program. In this article , we have listed all the common keywords used in C/C++ language with a short description of each. Keyword Language Description auto C/C++ Auto storage class break C/C++ Break a loop or … Read more

C++ Data Type Classification

The C++ programming language has a wide variety of data types. In this article, you are going to get an overview of how these data types are classified. A data type is a computer representation of identifiers such as variables or constants. The C++ data types are divided into 3 categories. Builtin types User-defined types … Read more

C++ Character Data Types

The character data type is one of the primitive data types by C++ programming language. The character data type uses keyword  and it has a minimum size of or . This is good enough to hold any characters because the values of characters in keyboard lies between . In other words, there are total characters … Read more

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