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JavaScript Mouse Events

    In this article, you will learn about the mouse events and its associative properties and how JavaScript handles mouse events.

    Here is the table of events related to mouse.

    Mouse events Description
    click Press a button element
    dblclick Double click a button element
    mousedown Press the mouse button
    mouseup Release the mouse button
    mousemove Mouse pointer moved
    from one location to another
    mouseleave When mouse pointer
    move away from HTML element
    mouseenter When mouse pointer move onto
    an html element

    Mouse Event Properties

    Mouse Event Properties Description
    button Return which button
    was pressed
    client X and clientY Coordinates relative to the
    view port
    ( the visible part of the document)
    pageX and clientY Coordinates relative to the
    actual document page.
    screenX and screenY Coordinates relative
    to the screen
    altKey, ctrlKey, shiftkey Return boolean true or false
    when alt, shift or
    ctrl key is pressed.

    clientX and clientY

    <p>clientX:<span id="cx">X</span></p>
    <p>clientY:<span id="cy">Y</span></p>
         var s = document.getElementById("cx");
         var d = document.getElementById("cy");
         function processMove(evt){
              s.innerHTML = evt.clientX;
              d.innerHTML = evt.clientY;

    pageX and pageY

    var s = document.getElementById("cx");
    var d = document.getElementById("cy");
    function processMove(evt){
         s.innerHTML = evt.pageX;
         d.innerHTML = evt.pageY;

    AltKey and ShiftKey

    <p>AltKey :<span id="altt"></span></p>
    <p>ShiftKey :<span id="shiftt"></span></p>
         window.onkeydown = pressSpecial;
         var d = document.getElementById("altt");
         var s = document.getElementById("shiftt");
         function pressSpecial(evt)
              d.innerHTML = evt.altKey;
              s.innerHTML = evt.shiftKey;

    In the example above, whenever user press the ctrl, shift key, it is displayed in the HTML

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