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Home » Python If-Then-Else Statement

Python If-Then-Else Statement

    In the previous article, you learned about the and how it executes statement if the condition for the is true. But we have not discussed anything about what should happen when is false.

    The python programming language have a separate block of code to execute when the is false. It is called the . Consider the following diagram. In the figure, if the condition is true, execute (also call it ) and if the condition is false, execute .

    Python If-Then-Else Block

    Example – if-then-else

    Let us take out previous example of to purchase an item with and . If the is less than the , a purchase can be done. Otherwise, customer cannot buy the item.

    # Declaring cash available for purchase
    cashAvailable = 5000
    # price of item with tax 
    price = 5000
    tax = 200
    # The if-block executes if the price + tax is less than or equal to cash
    if cashAvailable >= price + tax:
         print("Purchase Successful", price + tax)
    # The else will tell what to do if cash available is less 
         print("Insufficient Cash ! Purchase cannot be done!")
    print("Transaction Complete!")

    The output of the program will be as follows.

    Insufficient Cash! Purchase cannot be done!
    Transaction Complete!

    The program first check if is less than the cash available. It is not true because the total amount is . Therefore, the program jumps into the second block. the else block and prints . Note the indentation for the else block also. All line within a block has the same indentation.

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