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Prepositional Logic – Simple Statements

    Prepositional Logic is kind of logic that studies “Statements” and derives relationship among those statements.

    What is a statement or a preposition ?

    When we talk, we make many sentences, but all sentences are not . A sentence qualifies as a statement when it has a truth value. There is only two truth value for a statement – or .

    For example,

    What \hspace{5px}is \hspace{5px}your \hspace{5px}name?

    The above sentence is a question, and we cannot give a truth value for this sentence. It is neither true nor false.

    If someone reply to the question with an answer such as following

    My \hspace{5px}name \hspace{5px} is \hspace{5px} Peter.

    The above is an example of statement because it can be true or false.

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    Simple Preposition and Compound Preposition

    Suppose there are two prepositions.

    &I \hspace{5px}am \hspace{5px} eating.\\
    &I \hspace{5px}am \hspace{5px} sleeping.

    Such individual statement is called simple prepositions and we do not need to write them every time. Instead, we can assign an alphabet to each of these statements.

    &p : I \hspace{5px} am \hspace{5px} eating.\\
    &q:  I\hspace{5px}  am\hspace{5px}  sleeping.

    We can also make complex statements using these simple prepositions. However, we need a logical connective to do that.

    There are many logical connectives but the most common connectives are

    &and \hspace{5px} ( conjunction )\\
    &or  \hspace{5px}  ( disjunction )
      and   are compound statements.

    It means following

    &p \wedge q : I \hspace{5px} am \hspace{5px} eating \hspace{5px}and \hspace{5px}I \hspace{5px}am \hspace{5px}sleeping.\\
    &p \vee q : I \hspace{5px}am \hspace{5px}eating \hspace{5px}or \hspace{5px}I \hspace{5px}am \hspace{5px}sleeping.

    The truth value of the compound preposition depends on the individual simple preposition in the compound preposition.

    In the above example, suppose truth value of p is true and q is false, then

    p \wedge q = true \wedge false = false


    p \vee q = true \vee false = true

    We shall see more of these using a truth table in future lessons.

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