Logical Equivalence – Domination Laws

In the previous article, you learnt about Identity law which is an equivalence. Similarly, the domination law are another equivalence that you are going to learn in this article. Also, this equivalence need proof which is the main purpose of this document. The prove is in the form of truth table for domination laws. What … Read more

List of Logical Equivalences and Truth Tables

In this article, you will know the list of known logical equivalences and their corresponding truth table as a proof of them being a tautology. To understand more in-depth analysis of each of the identities, you can watch my YouTube channel. Note that these logical identities are also found in Boolean algebra and each of … Read more

Logical Equivalence

We have seen prepositions, connectives and compound prepositions; all possible combinations of truth values of the individual prepositions in a compound preposition is depicted in a truth-table. However, it is possible that another preposition or compound preposition has the same truth values in the truth table. This is called logical equivalence of two prepositions. The … Read more

Prepositional Logic-Implication and Biconditional

In the previous video, you learned about different types of basic logical connectives that helps in creating compound prepositions. These connectives are join two or more atomic statements to form compound preposition which also have a truth value of its own. We have discuss negation, conjunction, and disjunction connectives so far, the remaining two connectives … Read more

Prepositional Logic – Negation of Statements

From the previous article, you know that a prepositional statement can have truth value and the values are boolean – true or false. A statement having true value can be negated using ‘not‘ operator and then its value becomes false or vice-versa. Consider the following example where variable is the statement “I am eating“. You … Read more

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