Operating System Structure

OS provides the computing environment. They are organized in many ways in different systems, but a few things are common for all OS. In a single user system, the CPU sits idle when I/O is working or vice-versa. The CPU utilization increase with multi programming systems. A subset of jobs from a pool of jobs … Read more

Computer System Structure

The computer system structure consists of interrupt mechanism for I/O devices, memory unit to run programs, memory protection, and disk storage to save program and data files. Computer-system operations A modern general purpose computer has CPU and device controllers for devices such as disk, audio devices, and video display devices connected to a common system … Read more

OS System Calls

A system call is an interface between the user program and the operating system. The program asks for different services and in response the OS invoke a set of system calls to fulfill the request. What is a system call? A system call is written in either assembly language or a high level such as … Read more

Process Concepts

A process is program in execution in a modern time-sharing computer. A process needs resources such as CPU, memory, and input-output devices. OS is responsible for creating, deleting, and maintaining process information. Understanding Processes Therefore, we can safely say the following things about the process: A process is an instance of a program in execution … Read more

Operating System Concepts

An operating system is system software that ensures the smooth functioning of a computer system. In earlier days of computing, the only job of a computer was to compile source code into a program. There were programs to do other tasks such as printing, loading source code, etc. These programs are called system programs because … Read more

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