JavaScript Events

Events are clicks, key press, or mouse moves. Timing and order of event cannot be predicted. Browser puts it in a queue of events, looks for event listeners and then the correct type of event is called.You can add event listener in different ways.Method #1Method #2Method #3Method #4Method #5Event ObjectThe event object is passed through … Read more

VB 6 With Statement

The With statement is not a loop, but can be as useful as a loop. In this article, we will discuss about the With statement.The syntax for the width statement is given below.Example: With StatementIn the following example, we will use With statement to set some properties of a Textbox control.In the above example, we … Read more

VB 6 Do Loop

Loops are very important when you want to repeat some code block. In previous example, we saw how while loop works. In this article, you will learn about Do loop.There are two types of Do loop in VB 6 that you are going to see. Syntax for each type is given below.In the example above … Read more

VB 6 While Loop

Like many programming languages out there, VB 6 also has loop control statements. In this article, you will learn about While loop which helps in repeating a block of code until loop is terminated.Syntax: While LoopThe general structure of while loop is given below. The condition is very important in while loop because that is … Read more

VB 6 – StrComp()

The strComp() function is a string handling function that compares two given string and returns an integer value. If the strings are same, a 0 is returned and if they are different then -1 is returned.Example Program Code: StrComp()Output: StrComp()

VB 6 – StrConv()

In this example, you will learn about the string handling funciton called StrConv(). That converts the string into following types vbKatakana vbHiragana vbUpperCase vbLowerCase vbUnicode vbWide vbNarrow vbProperCase vbFromUnicode Example Code: Output: StrConv()

VB 6 Static Function

In the previous article, you learned about functions that returned values. The variables that return the value are of two types – global and local. The local variable gets destroyed every time we call the function in our program. The only solution to this problem is to make variable or function retain its previous value. … Read more

VB 6 Declaring Functions

In the previous article, we learned about subroutines. You will learn about VB 6 functions in this article and learn the difference between a function and a subroutine.A Vb 6 subroutine receives an argument but does not return anything. However, a function takes an argument and returns a value. A VB 6 function is a … Read more

Java Data Types

Previous Next Java programming language is a “strongly” typed language. Every variable declared must have a data type that determines the size of the variable in memory. Expressions in Java have types. Although data types are strictly defined, there is compatibility between certain data types. This allows type conversion and casting of variables.The data types … Read more

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