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Home » C Program To Display Student Results

C Program To Display Student Results

    The C program to display student results demonstrates the working of conditional statement in the C language. The program takes student’s marks in percentage (%) as input , process the input value and displays the results (pass or fail) as output.

    The output depends on the conditional statement in the example program.

    Learn C programming basics before you begin with this example program.

    Problem Definition

    The program decides whether a student has passed or failed an exam. If the input is in percentage mark ( say 70%), a simple conditional statement checks if given percentage mark is below 40%.

    ( mark < 40)

    The student result is a pass when mark is above 40% , else the student has failed. The result is displayed at the console.Here we list the steps involved in processing input values.

    1. Receive input in percentage mark (%)
    2. Check if the given mark is above below 40%
    3. If below 40%, then the student has failed
    4. Else the student passed.
    5. Display the result.

    Flowchart – Display Student Results

    The program start at the top (Start) and terminates where it says, (End) in the flowchart.

    Flowchart – C Program to Display Student Results

    Program Code – Display Student Results

    /*Show result of student using Marks */
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    int main()
        int marks,i;
        /* Read student marks */
        printf("Enter the marks (in percentage ) of Student:");
        /* display result */
        if(marks < 40)
            printf("Result = Failed\n");
            printf("Result = Passed\n");
        return 0;


    The student entered his or her mark which is 60%. The given mark are above 40%, required condition to pass the exam. Hence, the student result is passed.

    Enter the marks ( in percentage ) of Student:60
    Result = Passed
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