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C++ Arithmetic Operators

    Arithmetic operators carry basic arithmetic operations in a C++ program. These operators are used in simple mathematical expressions. They are also known as binary operators because each operator requires at least two operands.

    Here is a list of arithmetic operators.

    Arithmetic OperatorsDescription

    The operators plus , minus , and multiplication need two numbers to produce results. Similarly, the divide operator requires two number – and . The result of the division is a quotient. The last arithmetic operator is modulo which gives the remainder of a division of two integer numbers (not allowed for float or double types).

    If one of the numbers is a floating point number and another integer for any arithmetic operator in C++ will result in a floating point value.

    \begin{aligned}&integer + integer = integer\\ \\&float + integer = float\\ \\&integer + float = float\\ \\&float + float = float\end{aligned}

    For example, the following program is a working example of the above rules.

    Program Code:

    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        // variable declaration
        int a, b, result1;
        float e,d, result2, result3, result4;
        // Variable initialization
        a = 20;
        b = 30;
        d = 25.5;
        e = 20.3;
        result1 = 0;
        result2 = result3 = result4 = 0.0;
        // Arithmetic Expressions
        result1 = a + b;
        cout << "a + b =" << result1 << endl;
        result2 = a + d;
        cout << "a + d =" << result2 << endl;
        result3 = e + b;
        cout << "e + b =" << result3 << endl;
        result4 = d + e;
        cout << "d + e =" << result4 << endl;
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;


    a + b = 50
    a + d = 45.5
    e + b = 50.3
    d + e = 45.8

    Arithmetic Expressions

    The operands and the C++ operators make an expression that evaluates to a single value. An expression can be a simple one with two numbers and a single operator or it can be a complex expression involving many numbers and operators.

    From the above example,

    &e + b \hspace{3px}  evaluates \hspace{3px}  to \hspace{3px}  50.3\\\\
    &d + e \hspace{3px} evaluates \hspace{3px} to \hspace{3px} 45.8

    But, within the C++ program, an expression is written as

    &result3 = e + b\\ \\
    &result4 = d + e

    In a complex expression, the terms are evaluated based on the operator precedence. The expression with higher precedence operator is executed first and then the expression with lower precedence operator.

    res = 2 + 4 * ( 1 + 5)

    In the above example,

    The parentheses has the highest precedence so is evaluated first.

    The multiplication has second highest priority so is evaluated second.

    The plus is evaluated last.

    &= 2 + 4 * 6\\ \\
    &= 2 + 24\\ \\
    &= 26

    Example Program: Arithmetic Operators

    #include <cstdlib>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    int main()
        // Variable Declarations
        int number1, number2, result1;
        float number3, number4, result2;
        // Variable Initialization
        number1 = 100;
        number2 = 74;
        result1 = 0;
        number3 = 24.65;
        number4 = 12.5;
        result2 = 0.0;
        //Arithmetic Expressions
        result1 = number1 + number2;
        result2 = number3 + number4;
        cout << "Integer Addition =" << result1 << endl;
        cout << "Float Addition =" << result2 << endl;
        result1 = number1 - number2;
        result2 = number3 - number4;
        cout << "Integer Subtraction =" << result1 << endl;
        cout << "Float Subtraction = " << result2 << endl;
        result1 = number1 * number2;
        result2 = number3 * number4;
        cout << "Integer Multiplication =" << result1 << endl;
        cout << "Float Multiplication = " << result2 << endl;
        result1 = number1 / number2;
        result2 = number3 / number4;
        cout << "Integer Division =" << result1 << endl;
        cout << "Float Division = " << result2 << endl;
        result1 = number1 % number2;
        cout << "Integer Modulo Operation =" << result1 << endl;
        return EXIT_SUCCESS;


    The output of the above program is as follows.

    Integer Addition =174
    Float Addition =37.15
    Integer Subtraction =26
    Float Subtraction = 12.15
    Integer Multiplication =7400
    Float Multiplication = 308.125
    Integer Division =1
    Float Division = 1.972
    Integer Modulo Operation =26
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