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HTML 5 Semantic Elements and JavaScript Basics

    There are two category of HTML 5 elements listed below.

    • Block level elements
    • Inline elements

    Block elements such as<mark style="background-color:rgba(0, 0, 0, 0);color:#b61515" class="has-inline-color"> </mark><h1> and <p> tags take the entire width of the document.

    Inline elements such as <b> and <em>,<i>,<img> element will take just enough space within a block

    Figure 1 – HTML 5 Block and Inline elements

    HTML 5 Semantic Element

    There is no concept of document design in HTML. There is not structural meaning to the HTML elements.
    Hence, Introducing HTML 5 semantic web elements and here is the list.

    • <article>
    • <aside>
    • <details>
    • <figcaption>
    • <figure>
    • <footer>
    • <header>
    • <main>
    • <mark>
    • <nav>
    • <section>
    • <summary>
    • <time>

    Each of these tags can define the content they hold.

    JavaScript Data Types

    JavaScript variables are container for values and can hold different types of data. Re-declaration is allowed, except in ECMAScript such as ES5, ES6 and so on. To declare a variable use following syntax:

    var total = 234.80;

    Now, we will check different types of variables.

    //simple integer
    var num = 34;
    // floating point number
    var secondNumber = 34.666;
    var name = " Peter Pan";
    //You can use single quotes
    var firstName = 'John';

    When using a single quote or double quotes to enclose a string. Sometimes you need to use a single or double quote in the middle of the string. Use escape character (\”) or (\’).

    var result = " You've Passed"; 
    /*here not need to use escape character because double quote can enclose a single quote or single quote can enclose a double. Make sure inner quote is different from outer.*/
    var arr = [34, 'tim', true, 33.77];

    Array can contain different types of values. The array index starts with 0.

    //Will print the first element in the array.
    //JavaScript Objects
    //The JavaScript supports multiple type in the form of //key value pair.
    //To declare a JavaScript object.
    var car = {
         "Model No": "Hundai",
         "price": 2000,

    To access an object property.

    • Use dot notation. Example: Console.log(car.Price);
    • Use bracket notation. Example: Console.log([‘Model No’]);
    // store the property in a variable
     var res = "Model No";

    JavaScript Operators

    Arithmetic OperatorsDescription
    JavaScript Arithmetic Operators

    Comparison Operators

    Logical and
    Comparison Operators
    >greater than
    <less than
    >=greater than or equal to
    <=less than or equal to
    !=not equal to
    !==strict not equal to
    ==equal to
    ===strict equal to
    ||logical or
    &&logical and
    !logical not
    Logical operators

    How to Check Data Type in JavaScript?

    To check the data type of any data element, use the typeof keyword.

    var roll = 4455;
    console.log (typeof roll);
    //returns number

    What will happen if combine number and string type?

    console.log ("Str" + 44) ;
    // output Str44
    console.log(44 + 20 + "STR");
    //output 64STR

    The //output 64STR because JavaScript thinks that it a number and adds two number and when string comes.
    Everything is converted to string. JavaScript accept the latest type available.

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