JS: String.prototype.split()

The String.prototype.split() function divide the string into array of sub-strings. You can perform other array manipulation on the resultant string.


The syntax for split() function is given below.

String.split([separator, limit]);

Separator – it is a character that is used to separate the sub-strings. It is optional, however, a separator is required to divide the sub-strings.


Limit – it is the number of characters to be split. This is also optional.

Examples: split() function

Here are few examples of split function with and without separators.

var Str = "Hello World";
// result in single character split 
//Output - "H","e","l","l","o", " ","W", "o", "r","l","d" 

Str.split(' '); 
//result in split between works rather than single characters
//Output - "Hello", "World"

//No arguments, the whole array is returned
//Output - Array["Hello World"]

Str.split('', 4);
//Limit set to 4, therefore, split only four letters 
//Output - "H","e","l","l" 

Example Program: split() function

<!DOCTYPE html>
   <title>JS: split() Function</title>
	 margin: auto;
<h1 id="out1"></h1>
<h1 id="out2"></h1>
<h1 id="out3"></h1>
<h1 id="out4"></h1>
var Str = "Fresh Start";
// result in single character split 
document.getElementById("out1").innerHTML = Str.split('');

//result in split between works rather than single characters
document.getElementById("out2").innerHTML = Str.split(' ');

//No arguments, the whole array is returned
document.getElementById("out3").innerHTML = Str.split();

Str.split('', 4);
//Limit set to 4, therefore, split only four letters  
document.getElementById("out4").innerHTML = Str.split('',4);


Output To Browser: split() function

Output – String Split() Function

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