C Program To Compute Nth Factorial Using Recursion

The program to compute factorial calls a function recursively to compute the output.The recursion is the ability of a computing procedure to call itself repeatedly until the problem is solved. We compiled the program using Dev C++ version 5 (beta) compiler installed on Windows 7 64-bit system. You can use any standard C compiler, but … Read more

C Program To Implement Linear Search and Binary Search Algorithm

Previous Next In this article, you will learn to write a C program that implement two search algorithms – Linear Search and Binary Search Algorithm using C switch statement. The purpose is not to explain the algorithm, but to show you the implementation and working of these two search algorithms. This program is written on … Read more

C Program to Implement Bubble Sort Algorithm

Previous Next This program is an implementation of Bubble sort algorithm. The program receives unsorted input numbers and sorts the number in ascending or descending number as an output. Visit following link to learn about other sorting and searching algorithms. Linear Search and Binary Search Insertion Sort Maximum and Minimum Number in an Array This … Read more

C Program To Manipulate Matrices

The C program for matrix manipulation performs basic matrix operations upon receiving the values for two matrices from the user. The program does addition, subtraction, multiplication, and transpose of a matrix. We wrote the program using Dev-C++ version 4 compiler installed on Windows 7 64-bit. You can work with other standard C compilers after modifying … Read more

C Program To Reverse A Given String

The program to reverse a given string takes the input string and output reverse of the string. Each of the characters from the input string is extracted one at a time to achieve this task. The program is compiled using Dev-C++ compiler version installed on a Windows 7 64-bit system. However, you can use … Read more

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