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Bank Management System in VB 6.0 using MS Access Database

    In this article, you will create an application in visual basic 6.0 with Microsoft access database as a back-end to manage customer transactions and bank employee details. This project is called bank management system in vb 6.0 using ms access.

    The bank management system in vb 6.0 using ms access. must do the following tasks.

    • INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE records of Employees and Customers.
    • Keep track of customer transactions. A customer is allowed to withdraw and deposit money, not exceeding the balance in the account.
    • Bank employees only work for the branch with unique code.
    • Customer and Bank employee can log into there account with user id and password.

    The system will be developed in following ways.

    • Develop System Design
    • Data Model [ E-R Diagram] 
    • User Interface in VB 6.0
    • Code the different Modules
    • Verify the Output


    System Diagram -bank management system in vb 6.0 using ms access.


    E-R Diagram

    ER Diagram – System Diagram -bank management system in vb 6.0 using ms access.


    Using the E-R Diagram we can create a relational model of the database. It means we can create tables with the database. To create a new database go to the Microsoft Access Database and create a new blank database. If you have MS Access 2007 or Higher save the database with (.mdb) extension. Otherwise, Visual Basic 6 may not recognize the database file.

    Create three four tables within the database with appropriate data-types given in the following figures.

    Branch Table – Bank Management System
    Customer Table – Bank Management System
    Transaction Table – Bank Management System
    Employee Table – Bank Management System


    The modules used in this application are given below

    • frmBankManagement
    • frmLogin
    • frmMENU(MDI Form)
    • frmBranch
    • frmCustomer
    • frmEmployee
    • frmTransaction
    • Module1.bas

    Components of frmBankManagement

    FORM -bank management system in vb 6.0 using ms access.


    Name : lblBankManagement
    Caption : Bank Management System


    Name : cmdLogin
    Caption : LOGIN

    Code for frmBankMangement

    Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()
        Unload Me
    End Sub

    Components of frmLogin

    Form Login – Bank Management System


    Name : lblUserID
    Caption : UserID
    Name : lblPassword
    Caption : Password


    Name : txtUserID
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtPassword
    Text : Password


    Name : cmdLogin
    Caption : Login
    Name : cmdCancel
    Caption : Cancel

    Code for frmLogin

    Option Explicit
    Public LoginSucceeded As Boolean
    Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
        'set the global var to false 'to denote a failed login
        LoginSucceeded = False
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()
        rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient rec.CursorLocation
        = adUseClient rec.Open "SELECT * FROM Employee", con,
        adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic rs.Open
        "SELECT * FROM Customer", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
        'check the username
        While Not rs.EOF
        If txtUserID = rs!AccountNo And txtPassword = rs!Password Then
        LoginSucceeded = True
        con.Close MsgBox ("Connection Closed")
        Exit Sub
        Unload Me
        Val(txtUserID) = rec!EID And txtPassword
        = rec!Password Then
        frmMENU.Show LoginSucceeded = True
        MsgBox ("Connection Closed")
        Exit Sub
        Unload Me
        Val(txtUserID) <> rs!AccountNo Then
        rs.MoveNext ElseIf Val(txtUserID) <>
        rec!EID Then rec.MoveNext
        MsgBox "Invalid Password, try again!", ,
        "Login" txtPassword.SetFocus
        SendKeys "{Home}+{End}"
        Exit Sub
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Call loadcon
        MsgBox ("Connected")
    End Sub

    Components for frmBranch

    Form Bank Branch -bank management system in vb 6.0 using ms access.
    Form Bank Branch – Bank Management Sys


    Name : lblBID
    Caption : BRANCH ID
    Name : lblBcode
    Caption :BRANCH CODE
    Name : lblLocation
    Caption : LOCATION
    Name : lblTotEmp
    Caption : TOTAL EMPLOYEE


    Name: txtBID
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtBcode
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtLocation
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtTotEmp
    Text : 'leave blank'


    Name : cmdAdd
    Caption : &ADD
    Name : cmdDel
    Caption : &DELETE
    Name : cmdUpdate
    Caption: &UPDATE
    Name : cmdDisplay
    Caption : &DISPLAY
    Name : cmdClr
    Caption : &CLEAR
    Name : cmdExit
    Caption : &EXIT


    Name : DataGrid1

    Code for frmBranch

    Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
        Dim total As Double
        rs.Open "SELECT Count(EID) FROM Employee",
        con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
        total = rs.Fields(0).Value
        con.Execute "INSERT INTO
        Branch(BID, Bcode, Location , TotalEmployees )
        VALUES (" & txtBID & ",'" & txtBcode &
        "','" & txtLocation & "', " & total & ")"
        MsgBox ("Record Added")
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdClr_Click()
        txtBID = " "
        txtBcode = " "
        txtLocation = " "
        txtTotEmp = " "
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdDel_Click()
        con.Execute "DELETE * FROM Branch
        WHERE BID = " & txtBID & ""
        MsgBox ("Record Deleted")
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click()
        rs.CursorLocation = adUseClient
        rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Branch",
        con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
        Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rs
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
        Unload Me
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
        Dim total As Double
        rs.Open "SELECT Count(EID) FROM
        Employee WHERE BID = " &
        txtBID & " ", con,
        adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
        total = rs.Fields(0).Value
        con.Execute "UPDATE Branch SET Bcode
        = '" & txtBcode & "',Location
        = '" & txtLocation & " ',
        TotalEmployees = " & total & "
        WHERE BID = " & txtBID & " "
        MsgBox ("Record Updated ")
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Call loadcon
    End Sub

    Components of frmCustomer

    Form Customer Details – Bank Management System


    Name :lblAno
    Caption : ACCOUNT NO
    Name :lblAno
    Caption : ACCOUNT NO
    Name :lblAname
    Caption : ACCOUNT NAME
    Name : lblAddress
    Caption : BALANCE
    Name : lblBrankID
    Caption : BRANCH ID


    Name : txtAno
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtAname
    Text ; 'leave blank'
    Name : txtAddress
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtBalance
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtBID
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : cmdAdd
    Caption : &ADD
    Name : cmdDel
    Caption : &DELETE
    Name : cmdClr
    Caption : &CLEAR
    Name : cmdExit
    Caption : &EXIT
    Name : cmdUPDATE
    Caption : &UPDATE
    Name : cmdDisplay
    Caption : &DISPLAY

    Code for frmCustomer

    Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
        con.Execute "INSERT INTO Customer ( 
        AccountNo, AccountName, Address, Balance, BID )
        VALUES(" & txtAno & ",' " & txtAname &
        " ',' " & txtAddress & " '," &
        txtBalance & ", " & txtBID & ")"
        txtAno = "" txtAname = "" txtAddress = ""
        txtBalance = "" txtBID = ""
        MsgBox ("Record Added")
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdClr_Click()
        txtAno = ""
        txtAname = ""
        txtAddress = ""
        txtBalance = ""
        txtBID = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdDel_Click()
        con.Execute "DELETE * FROM Customer
        WHERE AccountNo = " & txtAno & ""
        MsgBox ("Record Deleted")
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click()
        rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Customer",
        con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
        Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rs
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
        Unload Me
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
        con.Execute "UPDATE Customer
        SET AccountName = '" & txtAname & " ',
        Address = ' " & txtAddress & " ',
        Balance = " & txtBalance & "
        WHERE AccountNo = " & txtAno & "" txtAno = ""
        MsgBox ("Record Updated!")
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Call loadcon
        MsgBox ("connected")
    End Sub

    Components of frmEmployees

    Form Employee Details – Bank Management System


    Name : lblEID
    Caption : EID
    Name : lblEname
    Caption : EMPLOYEE NAME
    Name : lblEname
    Caption : EMPLOYEE NAME
    Name : lblDesig
    Caption : DESIGNATION
    Name : lblSalary
    Caption : SALARY
    Name : lblWeekoff
    Caption :WEEKOFF
    Name : lblBranchID
    Caption : BRANCH ID


    Name : txtEID
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtEname
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtDesig
    Text ; 'leave blank'
    Name ; txtSalary
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtWeekoff
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtBID
    Text : 'leave blank'


    Name : cmdAdd
    Caption : &ADD
    Name : cmdDel
    Caption : &DELETE
    Name : cmdUpdate
    Caption : &UPDATE
    Name : cmdDisplay
    Caption : &DISPLAY
    Name : cmdClr
    Caption : &CLEAR
    Name : cmdExit
    Caption : &EXIT


    Name : DataGrid 1

    Code for frmEmployee

    Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
        con.Execute "INSERT INTO
        Employee (EID, Ename, Designation, Salary, Weekoff, BID)
        VALUES (" & txtEID & ",'" &
        txtEname & "','" &
        txtDesig & "', " &
        txtSalary & ", '" &
        txtWeekoff & "', " &
        txtBID & ")"
        MsgBox ("Record Added")
        txtEID = "" txtEname = "" txtDesig
        = "" txtSalary = "" txtWeekoff = "" txtBID = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdClr_Click()
        txtEID = ""
        txtEname = ""
        txtDesig = ""
        txtSalary = ""
        txtWeekoff = ""
        txtBID = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdDel_Click()
        con.Execute "DELETE * FROM
        Employee WHERE EID = " &
        txtEID & ""
        MsgBox ("Record Deleted ")
        txtEID = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click()
        rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Employee",
        con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
        Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rs
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
        Unload Me
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
        con.Execute "UPDATE Employee
        SET Ename = '" &
        txtEname & "',Designation = '" &
        txtDesig & "',Salary = " &
        txtSalary & ",Weekoff = ' " &
        txtWeekoff & " ', BID = " &
        txtBID & " WHERE EID = " &
        txtBID & " "
        MsgBox ("Record Updated")
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    End Sub

    Components of frmTransaction

    Form Transaction – Bank Management System


    Name : lblTID
    Caption : TRANSACTION ID
    Name : lblBID
    Caption : BRANCH ID
    Name :lblAno
    Caption : ACCOUNT NO
    Name : lblWDraw
    Caption : WITHDRAW
    Name : lblDEPOSIT
    Caption : lblDeposit
    Name : lblDate
    Caption : DATE


    Name : txtTID
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtBID
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtAno
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtWDraw
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtDeposit
    Text : 'leave blank'
    Name : txtDate
    Text : 'leave blank'


    Name : cmdAdd
    Caption : &ADD
    Name : cmdDel
    Caption : &DELETE
    Name : cmdUpdate
    Caption : &UPDATE
    Name : cmdDisplay
    Caption : &DISPLAY
    Name : cmdClr 
    Caption : &CLEAR
    Name : cmdExit
    Caption : &EXIT

    Data Grids

    Name : Data Grid 1

    Code for frmTransaction

    Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
        con.Execute "INSERT INTO
       Trans(TID, BID, AccountNo, Withdraw, Deposit, TransactionDate )
        VALUES (" & txtTID & "," &
        txtBID & ", " &
        txtAno & "," &
        txtWDraw & ", " &
        txtDeposit & ", ' " &
        txtDate & "' )"
        txtTID = "" txtBID = "" txtAno
        = "" txtWDraw = "" txtDeposit
        = "" txtDate = ""
        MsgBox ("Record Added")
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdClr_Click()
        txtTID = ""
        txtBID = ""
        txtAno = ""
        txtWDraw = ""
        txtDeposit = ""
        txtDate = ""
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdDel_Click()
        con.Execute "DELETE * FROM
        Trans WHERE TID = " &
        txtTID & ""
        MsgBox ("Record Deleted")
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdDisplay_Click()
        rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Trans ", con,
        adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic
        Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rs
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdExit_Click()
        Unload Me
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
        con.Execute "UPDATE Trans SET
        BID = " & txtBID & " ,
        AccountNo = " & txtAno & " ,
        Withdraw = " & txtWDraw & ",
        Deposit = " & txtDeposit & "
        WHERE TID = " & txtTID & ""
        txtTID = "" txtBID = "" txtAno
        = "" txtWDraw = "" txtDeposit = "" txtDate = ""
        MsgBox ("Record Updated")
    End Sub
    Private Sub Form_Load()
        Call loadcon
        MsgBox ("connected")
    End Sub

    frmMENU [ MDI Form ]

    The MDI form is that form which has MENU and when you click on any one of the menu item, it opens up another MDI Child form.

    We will set MDI Child property for following forms

    • frmBranch
    • frmCustomer
    • frmEmployee
    • frmTransaction 

    Go to the property of each form and set the MDI Child to ‘True’.

    Set MDI Child to True

    Under Project 1 , [Right Click] the Forms > [Click] Add > [Click] MDI Form.

    Create MDI Form

    Configure Menu using the Menu Editor in MDI Form and write appropriate code for the form.

    Form Menu – Bank Management System

    Code for frmMENU

    Private Sub branch_Click(Index As Integer) 
    End Sub
    Private Sub customer_Click(Index As Integer) 
    End Sub
    Private Sub employee_Click(Index As Integer) 
    End Sub
    Private Sub exit_Click(Index As Integer) 
      Unload Me 
      Unload frmBankManagement 
      Unload frmLogin 
      Unload frmCustomer 
      Unload frmEmployee 
    End Sub 
    Private Sub transaction_Click(Index As Integer) 
    End Sub

    Code for Module1.Bas

    Most of the forms in the application need to connect to the database, so you may have to write code for connectivity with Microsoft Access Database repeatedly in each form.

    Instead of writing the code for connectivity in each form, we write it once in a Module and call the function from the form. In this way, we save time to write the same code many times.

    Here is the code for Module1.bas

    Note; To know more about creating a new Module go to one of the previous Visual Basic 6 posts.

    Public con As ADODB.Connection
      Public rs As ADODB.Recordset
      Public constr As String
      Public Sub loadcon() constr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;
      Data Source=C:UsersGirishDocumentsStudentDB.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
      con.Open constr
    End Sub
    Exit mobile version