Employees Record Management using VB 6.0 and MS Access Database

In this article, we will learn to create an application in Visual Basic 6.0 for Employee Record Management in an organization.

The application does following tasks

  1. Insert, Delete, Update employee records.
  2. Compute the Gross Pay and Net Pay of each employee.
  3. Maintain records of departments for each employee.
  4. Each employee should be able to login to the system with own password.

The development of the application – Employees Record Management is done in following ways.

  • Develop System Model.
  • Define the Data Model (E-R Diagram)
  • Design the User Interface in VB 6.
  • Rename the components.
  • Write codes for components.
  • Test and verify Output.

System Model

System Model – Employee Record Management

E-R Diagram for Employee Record Management

E-R Diagram – Employee Record Management

Working with MS Access Database

Based on the E-R Model you can create a New Access Database and save it as the emp.mdb file. To create a blank database

Open Microsoft Office Access 2007 ( Check MS office documentation for other versions) > Click “Blank Database”.

Click Blank Database

Create three table for the emp.mdb database.

Dependent Table Schema

Dependent Table in Design View

Employee Table Schema

Employee Table in Design View

Login Table in Design View

Login Table in Design View

Note: Each Table should have at least one field as Primary Key.

Relationship between Tables

Relationship Between Tables

Accessing Access Database from Visual Basic 6

You can use a common module from visual basic to connect to the access database. Functions from this module will be called from all Forms in the visual basic project, so that we do not need to rewrite the same code for database connectivity.

Add the ADODB components in the VB Toolbox.

Add ADOBD component

Add an Adodb component, [Right Click] on the Control Object > Click Properties.

ADODB Component

Under the Adodc properties windows > Click Build.

ADODC Properties
Select the Provider

Under the Connection tab > Select the Database you created previously.

Select the Database

Now Click “Test Connection” to check if the database connection is successful. Click on the “Provider” tab again and we now have our connection string.

Connection String

This new Connection String will be used in Module.Bas file for accessing the database at run-time. The existing ADODC control is no longer required and you can delete it.

Creating Module1 for Database Connectivity

To create a new database connection at run-time, do the following. Under Project.vbp windows > Project1 [Right-Click] > Add [Select] > Module [Click].

A new module will open as shown in the following figure.

Create a New Module

Type the following code in the Module Code Editor.

Public con As New adodb.Connection 
Public rs As New adodb.Recordset 
Public constr As String 
Public Sub loadcon() 
    constr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Peter\Documents\emp.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" 
    con.Open constr 
    MsgBox ("connected") 
End Sub




Name: cmdLogin
Caption: Login

Code for frmEMPMANAGE

Private Sub cmdLogin_Click() 
    Unload Me 
End Sub

Components of frmLogin

Form Login


Name: lblUserID
Name: lblPassword
Caption: Password


Name: txtUserID
Text: 'leave blank'
Name: txtPassword
Text; 'leave blank'


Name; vbOK
Caption: Login
Name: vbCancel
Caption: Cancel

Code for frmLogin

Option Explicit 
Public LoginSucceeded As Boolean 
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() 
    'set the global var to false 
    'to denote a failed login 
    LoginSucceeded = False 
End Sub 
Private Sub cmdOK_Click() 
        rs .Open "SELECT * FROM LOGIN", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic 
        'check the username 
        .MoveFirst While Not .EOF 
    If txtUserID = !UserID And txtPassword = !Password Then 
        LoginSucceeded = True 
        MsgBox ("Connection Closed") 
        Exit Sub 
        Unload Me 
        txtUserID <> !UserID Then 
        MsgBox "Invalid Password, try again!", , "Login" 
        txtPassword.SetFocus SendKeys "{Home}+{End}" 
    Exit Sub 
    End If 
    End With 
End Sub 
Private Sub Form_Load() 
    Call loadcon 
    Unload frmEMPMANAGE 
End Sub

Components for frmEmpDetails

Form Employee Details


Name: lblEmpID
Caption: EMPID
Name: lblFirstname
Caption: FirstName
Name: lblLastname
Caption: LastName
Name: lblHRA
Caption: HRA


Name: txtEmpID
Text: 'leave blank'
Name: txtFirstname
Text: 'leave blank'
Name: txtLastname
Text: 'leave blank'
Name: txtHRA
Text: 'leave blank'
Name: txtDA
Text: 'leave blank'
Name: txtBasic
Text: 'leave blank'


Name:  cmdAdd
Caption: &ADD
Name: cmdDel
Caption: &DELETE
Name: cmdUpdate
Caption: &Update
Name: cmdClr
Caption: &Clear
Name: cmdExit
Caption: &Exit
Name: cmdFirstname
Caption: &FirstName
Name: cmdLastname
Capttion: &LastName
Name: cmdNext
Caption: Next Record
Name: cmdPrev
Caption: Previous Record

Code for frmEmpDetails

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() 
    con.Execute "INSERT INTO emp(EmpID,FirstName, 
    LastName,Basic, HRA, DA) 
    VALUES (" &   txtEmpID & ",'" & 
    txtFirstname & "','" & 
    txtLastname & "'," & 
    txtBasic & "," & 
    txtHRA & "," & 
    txtDA & " );" 
    MsgBox ("Record Inserted") 
End Sub 
Private Sub cmdCLR_Click() 
    txtEmpID = "" 
    txtFirstname = "" 
    txtLastname = ""
    txtBasic = "" 
    txtHRA = "" 
    txtDA = "" 
End Sub 
Private Sub cmdDel_Click() 
    con.Execute "DELETE * FROM emp 
    WHERE EmpID = " & 
    txtEmpID & "" 
    MsgBox ("Record Deleted") 
    txtEmpID = "" 
End Sub 
Private Sub cmdExit_Click() 
    Unload Me 
End Sub 
Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click() 
    con.Execute "UPDATE emp SET FirstName = '" & 
    txtFirstname & "', LastName = ' " & 
    txtLastname & " ' , Basic = " & 
    txtBasic & " , HRA = " & 
    txtHRA & " , DA = " & 
    txtDA & " WHERE EmpID = " & 
    txtEmpID.Text & "" 
End Sub 
Private Sub Form_Load() 
    Call loadcon 
End Sub

Component for frmSalary

Form Salary – Employee Record Management


Name: lblCalculateS
Name: lblEmpID
Name: lblGrossP
Caption: GROSS PAY
Name: lblNetP
Caption: NET PAY


Name: txtEmpID
Text: 'leave blank'
Name: txtGross
Text: 'leave blank'
Name: txtNet
Text: 'leave blank'


Name : cmdGross
Caption: GROSS PAY
Name: cmdNet
Caption: NET PAY
Name: cmdExit
Caption: EXIT

Code for frmSalary

Private Sub cmdExit_Click() 
    Unload Me 
End Sub 
Private Sub cmdGross_Click() 
Dim gross As Double 
Dim net As Double 
Dim tax As Double 
        rs rs.Open "SELECT * FROM emp WHERE EmpID = " & 
        txtEmpID & "", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic 
        gross = !Basic + !HRA + !DA 
    End With 
        txtGross.Text = gross 
    con.Execute "UPDATE emp SET GrossPay =  ' " & 
    gross & " ' WHERE EmpID = " & 
    txtEmpID & "" 
End Sub 
Private Sub cmdNet_Click() 
Dim gross As Double 
Dim net As Double 
Dim tax As Double 
    With rs 
        rs.Open "SELECT * FROM emp 
        WHERE EmpID = " & 
        txtEmpID & "", 
        con, adOpenDynamic, adLockPessimistic 
        gross = !Basic + !HRA + !DA 
        tax = gross * 10 / 100 
        net = gross - tax 
    End With 
    txtNet.Text = net 
    con.Execute "UPDATE emp 
    SET NetPay =  ' " & net & " ' 
    WHERE EmpID = " & txtEmpID & "" 
End Sub 
Private Sub Form_Load() 
    Call loadcon 
End Sub

Components for frmDependent

Form Dependent – Employee Record Management System


Name: lblDID
Caption: Department ID
Name: lblDname
Caption: Department Name
Name: lblRelation
Caption: Relation
Name: lblDependent
Caption: Employee Dependent


Name: txtDID
Text: 'leave blank'
Name: txtDname
Text: 'leave blank'
Name: txtRel
Text: 'leave blank'
Name: txtEmpID
Text: 'leave blank'


Name: cmdAdd
Caption: &ADD
Name: cmdDel
Caption: &DELETE
Name: cmdUpdate
Caption: &UPDATE
Name: cmdClr
Caption: &CLEAR
Caption: &EXIT
Name: cmdExit

Code for frmDependent

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() 
    con.Execute "INSERT INTO 
    Dependent(DependentID, DependentName,Relation,EmpID ) 
    VALUES (" & txtDID & ", '" & 
    txtDName & "','" & 
    txtRel & "'," & 
    txtEmpID & ");" 
    txtDID.Text = "" 
    txtDName.Text = "" 
    txtRel.Text = "" 
    txtEmpID = "" 
    con.Execute "DELETE * FROM Dependent 
    WHERE DependentID = " & txtDID & "" 
End Sub 
Private Sub cmdClr_Click() 
    txtDID.Text = "" 
    txtDName.Text = "" 
    txtRel.Text = "" 
    txtEmpID = "" 
End Sub 
Private Sub cmdExit_Click() 
    Unload Me 
End Sub 
Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click() 
    con.Execute "UPDATE Dependent 
    SET  DependentName = ' " & 
    txtDName & " ' , Relation = ' " & 
    txtRel & " ' WHERE DependentID = " & 
    txtDID & " " 
    MsgBox ("Record Updated") 
End Sub 
Private Sub Form_Load() 
    Call loadcon 
End Sub

frmMenu [MDI Form]

MDI Form are Multiple-Document Interface in which you can open multiple forms. All our previously created will be child form of MDI.

This form is called frmMENU. 

This form has menu editor to add different menu items and each menu item is linked to one of the forms created earlier. Before we get started with MDI form, you must set the MDI Child property of following Forms to ‘True’.

  • frmEmpDetails
  • frmSalary
  • frmDependent

Create  a New MDI Form

To create a new MDI From, go to Project1.vbp > [Right Click] and then [Select ] Add > [Click] MDI Form. 

Right Click the form and you will see the Menu Editor, using the editor create following menu items.

Caption : Employee Details
Name : employee
Index : 0
Caption : Salary Calculation
Name : salary
Index : 1
Caption : Dependents
Name : dependents
Index : 2
Caption :  Exit
Name : exit
Index : 3

Code for frmMENU

The code for frmMENU is simple, you click on one of the menu item and a new form opens up, however the new form does not open in a separate windows, but it will open within frmMENU as MDI Child form.

Private Sub depend_Click(Index As Integer) 
End Sub 

Private Sub empdetails_Click(Index As Integer) 
End Sub 

Private Sub exit_Click(Index As Integer) 
    Unload Me 
    Unload frmLogin 
End Sub 

Private Sub salary_Click(Index As Integer) 
End Sub
Exit mobile version