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C++ Program For Bisection Method

    The bisection method is a root finding numerical method. Given a function the bisection method finds the real roots of the function. In this article you will learn to write a program for bisection method.

    Problem Definition

    The bisection method find the real roots of a function. Suppose you are given a function f(x) and interval [a…b] the bisection method will find a value c such that f(c) = 0.

    Read More: Bisection Method

    The value c lies between the interval [a…b]. There few rules to find roots using bisection method.

    • The sign of f(a) \neq sign of f(b).
    • The function f(x) must be continuous.
    • Cuts the interval into 2 halves and continue searching smaller half for roots.
    • Keep cutting the interval into smaller and smaller halves until interval is too small.
    • The final value at the smallest interval is the root.

    Program Code – Bisection Method

    /* C++ Program to evaluate a function using Bisection Method
    Function: F(x) = x^3-4x-9
    File Name: BisectionMethod.CPP
    Author: NotesforMSc
    #include "iostream.h"
    #include "stdio.h"
    #include "conio.h"
    #include "math.h"
    #define MAX 20
    void main()
       int i;
       double a, b, m,fa,fm;
       //Initialize variables
       fa = fm = 0.0;
       m = 0.0;
      cout << "\n\t Enter initial value:";
       cin >> a;
       cout << a << endl;
       cin >> b;
       cout << b << endl;
       cout << "\n\n\t\t SOLUTION BY BISECTION METHOD"<< endl;
       // Bisection Method
      i = 1;
       while(i < MAX)
          m = (a + b)/2.0;
          fa = (a * a * a) - 4 * a - 9;
          fm = (m * m * m) - 4 * m - 9;
          //Check the smaller intercal
          if(fa < 0 && fm > 0) {
    	 b = m;
          else {
           a = m;
          //Print the Results
          cout << "\n\t Result";
          cout << "\n\t Root is" << " " << m << endl;

    Output – Bisection Method

                Enter Initial Value: 2
                           SOLUTION BY BISECTION METHOD
                  Root is 2.70653


    Shun Yan Cheung () The Bisection Method, Available at: (Accessed: 6/19/2019).

    University of Waterloo, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering () Topic 10.1: Bisection Method (Examples), Available at: (Accessed: 6.119/2019).