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Find Longest Word in a String

    In this example, you will create a JavaScript function that will accept a string that contains multiple words and find the longest among those words and display the length of the string.

    The program takes following steps to find the longest string.

    • Accept the string in a function – findLengthLongest().
    • Use JavaScript regex to extract each word from the string.
    • Store the words in an array.
    • Find length of each word in the array and copy in a variable called max.
    • At the end, max has the length of longest word.
    • Display the result.

    JavaScript Code: Find Longest Word in a String

    function findLengthLongest() {
        var str = document.getElementById("in").value;
        var max = 0;
        var regex = /\w+/gi;
        var word = [];
        word = str.match(regex);
      for (let i = 0;i < word.length;i++){
          if(word[i].length > max)
            max = word[i].length;
       var result = max.toString(10);
       document.getElementById("out").innerHTML = result;
    function MyClear(){
       document.getElementById("in").value = "";

    Note that we are accepting values from textbox control and displaying result in a H1 element. To find the length, we use the .length function and loop through each word of the array. Each time a greater length word if found, update the variable max.

    Program Code: Find Longest Word

    <!DOCTYPE html>
       <title>Find Longest Word</title>
       <meta charset="utf-8">
    	margin:10% auto;
    <h1 id="out">Output here</h1>
    <input type="text" id="in" /><br/>
    <button onclick="findLengthLongest()">Find Longest Word</button>
    <button onclick="MyClear()">Clear</button>
    function findLengthLongest() {
        var str = document.getElementById("in").value;
        var max = 0;
        var regex = /\w+/gi;
        var word = [];
        word = str.match(regex);
      for (let i = 0;i < word.length;i++){
          if(word[i].length > max)
            max = word[i].length;
       var result = max.toString(10);
       document.getElementById("out").innerHTML = result;
    function MyClear(){
       document.getElementById("in").value = "";

    Output To Browser: Find Longest Word

    Output - Find Longest Word In a String
    Output – Find Longest Word In a String