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Home » Java Program Demonstrating usage of String-buffer Class and String-builder Class

Java Program Demonstrating usage of String-buffer Class and String-builder Class

    In this article, we will create a program that uses both String-Builder and String-Buffer Class and displays the output. The main difference between these two class is that String-Builder Class is not threading safe like String-Buffer Class.

    String-Buffer class objects are like String objects, but it can be modified at any time because it contains a sequence of characters.

    This program is a basic introduction to the string-buffer and string-builder class. It is intended for beginner level learner of Java programming language.

    Problem Definition

    String-Buffer objects can be used with multiple threads. There are two important operations performed on String-Buffer class objects.

    1. Append
    2. Insert

    String-Builder is like a replacement for String-buffer class instance. It also performs the same operation on data inputs. To create a program in Java that makes use of both String-Builder and String-Buffer Class use the following code.

    Program Code

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    package JavaExamples;
    * @author Admin
    public class StringBufferDemo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
    String s;
    String p;
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(40);
    StringBuffer sp = new StringBuffer(40);
    int b = 40;
    int a = 50;
    s = sb.append("a = ").append(a).append("!").toString();
    p = sp.append("b = ").append(b).append("!").toString();


    Output of the above program is given below.

    a = 50!
    b = 40!