Evaluating Postfix Expression Using Stack

Previous Next The postfix expression is a notation for expression used in computers where operator comes after the operands in the expression. It is also known as reverse polish notation. In this example, you will learn evaluating postfix expression using stack. Suppose A and B are two operand and '+' is the operator. We humans … Read more

C Program To Check A Palindrome String

This C program checks a given string whether it is a palindrome or not. The string is read from left to right and right to left and each character is matched. If all the characters in the input string match correctly, then it is a palindrome string, otherwise not. This program is written using Dev … Read more

C Program To Check An Armstrong Number

This C program checks an input number whether it is an Armstrong number on not and prints the results. An Armstrong number is special number sum of the nth power of its every digit is equal to the original number. The n is the number of digits in the input number. This concept is explained … Read more

C Program to Check Eligibility of Students for Engineering or Medical Admission

This program is a mini-project in C programming written using Dev C++ version 5, you can use any standard C compiler to compile the following program. To help you understand this program, we have the following sections – problem definition, flowchart, program source code, and verified output. In this C program, we want to compute … Read more

C++ Integer Data Type

Data types describe the kind of data so that computer can store or manipulate them appropriately. This is the reason to declare a data type in C++ programming. Data types are also necessary because data items such as numbers are used in expressions. If there is a mismatch, for example – integer and real numbers … Read more

C Program To Convert Infix Expression To Prefix Expression

Previous Next In this article, we discuss about writing a C program to convert infix expression to prefix expression. The infix expression is of form operand operator operand and it is converted to operator operand operand form. Consider the following example. Problem Definition The user enters an infix expression and the C program converts the … Read more

C++ Program Structure

C++ is a very popular programming language. Every C++ program has a general structure that it must follow. Here is common structure of a C++ program. Header Section The header section is used for Including header files Declaring global variables Declaring functions Defining constants You can divide C++ functions into two categories – Builtin functions … Read more

Prepositional Logic – Simple Statements

Prepositional Logic is kind of logic that studies “Statements” and derives relationship among those statements. What is a statement or a preposition ? When we talk, we make many sentences, but all sentences are not . A sentence qualifies as a statement when it has a truth value. There is only two truth value for … Read more

JavaScript – Exercise 10 : The While Loop

Previous Next Just as the “for loop” repeated all the statements within the loop body, “while loop” also does the same thing. It is another type of loop that repeats everything inside the loop until the loop condition is false. The typical structure of while loop is given below. The working of the “While Loop” … Read more

JavaScript-Exercise 09- For Loop

Previous Next The “For Loop” is the most popular loop in many popular programming languages. Like any other loop, it’s task is to repeat a given statement inside the loop until the given condition in the loop becomes false. It’s easier to understand with an example. In the following example web page we have a … Read more