C Function that Implements Call-By-Value

In this lesson, you will learn about C function that implements call-by-value parameters. In C programming language, functions are very important because with functions there is no C program. The main () in C program is a function and it calls other user-defined functions. Some functions need parameters to do the necessary tasks. So the … Read more

Simple Calculator Application in Visual Basic 6.0

In this post we will learn to create a simple calculator in Visual basic 6.0. It is a simple application project to help you learn Visual basic programming. Background Information The calculator application does simple arithmetic operations. You can construct an advanced calculator which need same kind of coding that we are going to use … Read more

Program to compute Average of an array of integers

Area Of Circle Compute Average Mark The program to compute average of an array of integers is a simple program to demonstrate the usage of arrays.The program is intended for beginners of Java programming language. We are using JDK 8u111 with Netbeans IDE 8.2 installed on a Windows 7 64-bit PC to compile and run … Read more

The Three Schema Architechture of Relational database

The Relational Database Management Systems is the most popular database system. The overall structure of the Database System is given here. The relational database is at three level or three schemas. Internal level with internal schema In this level, an internal schema is defined and it is more related to the physical storage and access … Read more

C Program For A Simple Calculator

This example program accepts two input numbers and performs an arithmetic operation such as addition, subtraction, division, multiplication and mod operation on them. The output is printed to the console. Learn following C programming concepts before trying this example on your computer. C Assignment Operators C Variables and Constants C Flow Control Structures C Functions … Read more

Selection Sort Algorithm

The selection sort algorithm is a sorting algorithm that selects the smallest element from an array of unsorted elements called a pass. In each pass, it selects an unsorted element from the array and compares it with the rest of the unsorted array. If any element smaller than the current smallest is found, replace it … Read more

Subtraction using 10’s complement

In digital computer systems, arithmetic operations are simplified using the radix complement system also known as r’s complement system. The r stands for radix which is a base for a number in a particular number system. In this post, you learn to do subtraction using 10’s complement. You must be familiar with the complement system … Read more

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