Python While Loop

In the previous article, you learned about the different types of for-loops. The python while-loop can do everything that a for-loop does. However, the for-loop is used when the number of iteration is already known. In this article, we will explore the while loop and know how to use it in out program. While Loop … Read more

Python For-Each Loop

In python programming language, thepython for-each loop is another variation of for loop structure. In this loop structure, you get values from a list, set and assign it to a variable during each iteration. It is little hard to understand without an example. Consider the usual way to using for loop. The above construct is … Read more

Python For Loop

A loop structure in programming language is to repeat a piece of code or block several times. Python has several types of loops such as for loop, for-each loop, and while loop. In this article, you will learn about for loop structure. A for loop is used when you know exact number of times a … Read more

Python Conditionals and Operators

So far you have learned about different structures of conditional. But the conditionals such as if-then-else also employ different types of logical operators. In this article, you will learn about the conditionals and operators that we can use with conditional structures. There are categories of logical operators that the python programming language uses and they … Read more

Python Nested If Statements

The python if-then-else statement runs a block of code based on the condition which can be true or false. Sometimes you need to check multiple conditions event after a block is true. This is achieved using python nested if statements. For example, assume that a user is trying to login to a system. This can … Read more

Python If-Then-Elif-Else Statement

In previous two articles, we discussed conditional statements such as and . All of those previous structures are using one conditions only, what if, we want to check multiple conditions at different time and make decisions based on the output of those conditions. The python has a special construct to check multiple conditions one after … Read more

Python If-Then-Else Statement

In the previous article, you learned about the and how it executes statement if the condition for the is true. But we have not discussed anything about what should happen when is false. The python programming language have a separate block of code to execute when the is false. It is called the . Consider … Read more

Python if Statement

In python programming, you can run a specific block of code with the help of conditions. Usually, these types of block start with statement. The statement in python can change the direction of the program with these conditions. Suppose condition is true, then will be executed and if condition is false, then nothing happens. The … Read more

Python Logical Operators

A logical operator is the one that compares one or more values and return Boolean true or false. Python has a set of logical operators that are used in conditionals and loops. The python programming language supports following logical operators: Relational operators Set membership operators Boolean operators Relational Operators Lets us list all the logical … Read more

Python Arithmetic Operators

Operators are one of the most important aspect of programming language. The operators give the ability to do various types of computation in programming languages. The arithmetic operator is the most common and basic type of operators you will come across in programming languages. Python also supports the basic arithmetic operators and some new operators. … Read more