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Home » Simple Calculator Application in Visual Basic 6.0

Simple Calculator Application in Visual Basic 6.0

    In this post we will learn to create a simple calculator in Visual basic 6.0. It is a simple application project to help you learn Visual basic programming.

    Background Information

    The calculator application does simple arithmetic operations. You can construct an advanced calculator which need same kind of coding that we are going to use in this program, however, the computational logic may differ. The overall steps required to create the Calculator application is as follows.

    1. Design the interface of the calculator application.
    2. Name the buttons and textbox controls used in the application.
    3. Write VB6 codes for each controls without making any mistakes.
    4. Test the calculator application and make sure it works and there is no error of any kind.
    5. Add style to calculator by changing the background and color of buttons.

    Names of Controls

    Open your Microsoft Visual basic 6.0 software and under New Project, select Standard EXE and click Open.

    Resize the Form for Calculator application appropriately and this can be done changing the width and the height property. Now add buttons and a single text box from Toolbox on the left sidebar of Visual basic editor window.

    Calculator Form with Buttons
    Calculator Form with Buttons

    Change the width and the height property of Textbox control, so that it is aligned with the buttons. The original fonts are very small, change the font-size of the buttons to 16px and font-weight to bold.

    Only one button in the above figure is of different size which is Command10 because it is for the number 0. Set the width of this button to 1630px.

    The buttons are not aligned properly – both horizontally and vertically. You can align the controls using Format tab of Visual basic editor menu bar.

    Select top row of buttons and select Format tab > go to Align > select Tops. The buttons get aligned to top. Repeat the step for all rows of buttons.

    Now we align the buttons column-wise.

    Select the first column of buttons and click Format tab > go to Align > select Lefts. The column gets left aligned. Repeat the same step for each column.

    Select top row of buttons and select Format tab > got to Horizontal Spacing > select Make Equal. The button space becomes equal between the first and the last button of the row. Repeat the step for all rows of buttons.

    Select top row of buttons and select Format tab > go to Vertical Spacing > select Make Equal. The button space vertically becomes equal between the first and the last button of the column. Repeat the  step for all column of buttons.

    Align the Button Controls
    Align the Button Controls

    The naming convention of the buttons should be consistent.

    For example, if it is label control and text for label is number 9, then the name of the label control should be “lblNine“. We follow this convention throughout the post.

    Form Name

    Next we start naming form controls by putting caption for our button and textbox controls, but before that name the form to frmCALC and set form caption to Calculator. Similarly, change the names and caption of all the other buttons and textbox.

    For your convenience here is the list of controls and their names, caption values and other properties.


    Command1: btnOne
    Caption: 1
    Height: 800
    Width: 800
    Font: MS Sans Serif
    Font-weight: Bold
    Font-size: 24 px
    Command2: cmdTwo
    Caption: 2
    Height: 800
    Width: 800
    Font: MS Sans Serif
    Font-weight: Bold
    Font-size: 24 px
    Command3: cmdThree
    Caption: 3
    Height: 800
    Width: 800
    Font: MS Sans Serif
    Font-weight: Bold
    Font-size: 24px
    Command4 : btnFour
    Caption: 4
    Height: 800
    Width: 800
    Font: MS Sans Serif
    Font-weight: Bold
    Font-size: 24px
    Command5: cmdFive
    Caption: 5
    Height: 800
    Width: 800
    Font: MS Sans Serif
    Font-weight: Bold
    Font-size: 24px
    Command6: cmdSix
    Caption: 6
    Height: 800
    Width: 800
    Font: MS Sans Serif
    Font-weight: Bold
    Font-size: 24px
    Command7: cmdSeven
    Caption: 7
    Height: 800
    Width: 800
    Font: MS Sans Serif
    Font-weight: Bold
    Font-zise: 24px
    Command8: cmdEight
    Caption: 8
    Height: 800
    Width: 800
    Font: MS Sans Serif
    Font-weight: Bold
    Font-size: 24px
    Command9: cmdNine
    Caption: 9
    Height: 800
    Width: 800
    Font: MS Sans Serif
    Font-weight: Bold
    Font-size: 24px
    Command0: cmdZero
    Caption: 0
    Height: 800
    Width: 800
    Font: MS Sans Serif
    Font-weight: Bold
    Font-size: 24px


    TextBox1: txtOutput
    Height: 855
    Width: 6375
    Font: MS Sans Serif
    Font-weight: Bold
    Font-size: 18px
    Alignment:  1-Right-Justify

    Note: Remove the default text from the TextBox1.

    Now the Calculator should appear as in the following figure. Make correction if you did not get it right.

    Completed Interface of Calculator Application
    Completed Interface of Calculator Application

    Coding for Calculator Application

    Declare global variable at the top of the coding windows in VB and type the following code.

    Dim sd As Integer
    Dim operator As Integer
    Dim result As Integer


    Private Sub cmdOne_Click()
    txtOutput = txtOutput & 1
    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdTwo_Click()
    txtOutput = txtOutput & 2
    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdThree_Click()
    txtOutput = txtOutput & 3
    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdFour_Click()
    txtOutput = txtOutput & 4
    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdFive_Click()
    txtOutput = txtOutput & 5
    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdSix_Click()
    txtOutput = txtOutput & 6
    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdSeven_Click()
    txtOutput = txtOutput & 7
    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdEight_Click()
    txtOutput = txtOutput & 8
    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdNine_Click()
    txtOutput = txtOutput & 9
    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdZero_Click()
    txtOutput = txtOutput & 0
    End Sub

    Code for Operators


    Private Sub cmdZero_Click()
    txtOutput = txtOutput & 0
    End Sub
    Private Sub cmdPlus_Click()
    operator = 1
    sd = txtOutput.Text
    txtOutput.Text = ""
    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdMinus_Click()
    operator = 2
    sd = txtOutput.Text
    txtOutput.Text = ""
    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdMul_Click()
    operator = 3
    sd = txtOutput.Text
    txtOutput.Text = ""
    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdDivide_Click()
    operator = 4
    sd = txtOutput.Text
    txtOutput.Text = ""
    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdMod_Click()
    operator = 5
    sd = txtOutput.Text
    txtOutput.Text = ""
    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdSquare_Click()
    operator = 6
    sd =
    txtOutput.Text = ""
    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdEQUALS_Click()
    If operator = 1 Then
    result = Val(num) + Val(txtOUTPUT.Text) txtOUTPUT.Text = result
    ElseIf operator = 2 Then
    result = Val(num) - Val(txtOUTPUT.Text) txtOUTPUT.Text = result
    ElseIf operator = 3 Then
    result = Val(num) * Val(txtOUTPUT.Text) txtOUTPUT.Text = result
    ElseIf operator = 4 Then
    result = Val(num) / Val(txtOUTPUT.Text) txtOUTPUT.Text = result
    ElseIf operator = 5 Then
    result = Val(num) Mod Val(txtOUTPUT.Text) txtOUTPUT.Text =
    ElseIf operator = 6 Then
    result = Val(num) * Val(num)
    txtOUTPUT.Text = result
    End If
    End Sub

    Adding Style information to Calculator Application

    To add style and change the appearance of Calculator application, you can do a lot of things in Visual basic 6.0. We will change the appearance of Calculator by doing following

    1. Change the Background color of the Form.
    2. Change the Background color of the button and Textbox.
    3. Change the Fore-color of the Form and Form elements.
    Completed Calculator Application
    Completed Calculator Application