In Student Attendance Management System Using VB 6 Part 3, we will learn to create an interface for the attendance system that will meet the user requirements.
Here is the list of interfaces that we need to create.
- Login for Student (frmLogin)
- Login for Teacher (frmTLogin)
- Login for Admin (frmALogin)
- Main Screen (frmSplash)
- View Attendance (frmViewAttendance)
- Today’s Attendance (frmTodayAttendance)
- Student Record Management (frmStudent)
- Teacher Record Management (frmTeacherRecord)

For each of the above interfaces which also the VB form we will list out the following things.
- System Diagram
- Form Design
- Components and its properties
- Visual basic code
The system design is a high-level overview of individual components which show how each component of interface is related.
Connect To MS Access Database
Before we do anything we must first establish connection with MS Access database that we created earlier. If you did not create a database go to attendance management part-2 and create a database first.
To connect to database we will create a VB 6 module. Modules in VB are files that contain source codes. You can use them throughout your project without repeating them on each form. We must create a single module to connect with ms access database automatically.
To create a module, go to project explorer, right-click Form, select Add, and click Module.

Code For Module.bas
Now we must add code so that our VB project can programmatically connect to the MS Access database.
Public con As New ADODB.Connection Public rs As New ADODB.Recordset Dim rsgrid As New ADODB.Recordset Public constr As String Public Sub loadcon() constr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\VBProjects\Attendance\attendance.mdb;Persist Security Info=False" con.Open constr MsgBox ("connected") End Sub
The function loadcon() is called whenever database connectivity is required. All connections must be closed as soon as form unloads
Main Screen
The main screen is the first screen that a user is going to see. This section discusses the design of the Student Attendance Management System Using VB 6 Part 3 main splash screen.
System Diagram for Main Screen

Form Design (frmSpalsh)
The splash screen is a special screen. You can add a splash screen from Standard Toolbar > Form > under Add Form, select Add a Splash and modify the form according to your project.

Components for Main Screen
The splash screen comes with pre-configured labels. You need to modify them and add some new controls in this project. Here are the list of components.
Form Details
Name : frmSplash Caption : Attendance Management System BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text
Frame Control
Now you need to add a frame control and right click and click “send to back”. Existing controls are not visible;therefore, delete them and create identical labels on top of frame control. If you wish, skip frame control and continue creating rest of the controls.
Name : frameMain Caption : 'leave empty' BackColor : Window Text
Name : lblCompanyProduct Caption : NotesforMSc BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : Arimo 14px Bold
Name : lblProductName Caption : Attendance Management System BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : Arimo 20px Bold
Name : lblPlatform Caption : Windows 7 BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : Arimo 16px Regular
Name : lblPlatform Caption : 64-Bit BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : Arimo 16px Regular
Name : lblCopyright Caption : Copyright:Notesformsc2020 BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : Arimo 8px Regular
Name : lblCompany Caption : BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : Arimo 8px Regular
Name : lblWarning Caption : Warning: Do not copy or reproduce without permission except for the educational purpose BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : Arimo 8px Regular
Name : cmdStu Caption : Student Login BackColor : Button Highlight Style : 1-Graphical
Name : cmdTeach Caption : Teacher Login BackColor : Button Highlight Style : 1-Graphical
Name : cmdAdmin Caption : Admin Login BackColor : Button Highlight Style : 1-Graphical
Code For Main Screen
Option Explicit Public userlogin As Integer Private Sub cmdAdmin_Click() frmALogin.Show End Sub Private Sub cmdStu_Click() frmLogin.Show End Sub Private Sub cmdTeach_Click() frmTULogin.Show End Sub Private Sub Form_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer) Unload Me End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() lblVersion.Caption = "Version " & App.Major & "." & App.Minor & "." & App.Revision lblProductName.Caption = App.Title End Sub Private Sub Frame1_Click() Unload Me End Sub
Note that above code may give error because login forms are not created yet. Continue to create login forms.
Student Login
System Diagram For Student Login
The student login has two inputs – user id and password.
The easiest way to create a login form is to click Standard toolbar on VB project editor and click Form > select Log in Dialog from Add Form Window. The login in dialog comes with a preexisting code which you can modify later. In this example project, we have used the login dialog.

Form Design(frmLogin)
The second option is to create a new form and design the login screen yourself. Later , you can modify the appearance for the form.

Components for Student Login
The components for student login is listed below.
Form Details
Name : frmLogin Caption :Login BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text
Name : lblUserID Caption : SID BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text
Name : lblPassword Caption : Password BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text
Name : txtSID Text : 'leave blank'
Name : txtPassword Text : 'leave blank'
All other properties remain same.
Code for Student Login
Option Explicit Public LoginSucceeded As Boolean Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() 'set the global var to false ' to denote a failed login LoginSucceeded = False Me.Hide End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() 'making connection Call loadcon rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Student ", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly While Not rs.EOF If rs!SID = Val(txtSID) Then 'check for correct password If rs!Password = txtPassword Then frmSplash.userlogin = rs!SID 'place code to here to pass the 'success to the calling sub 'setting a global var is the easiest LoginSucceeded = True frmMenu.Show Unload Me 'closing connection and recordset rs.Close con.Close Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Invalid Password, try again!", , "Login" txtPassword.SetFocus SendKeys "{Home}+{End}" End If End If rs.MoveNext Wend End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() frmSplash.Hide End Sub 
Teacher Login
System Diagram for Teacher Login

Form Design(frmTLogin)
You can create a form from the Standard Toolbar > Form > Log in Dialog and modify the form and its code. The second option is to create a new form and write login code which is difficult/

Components for Teacher Login
The components for teacher login is listed below. These are controls used in the form design according to the system diagram.
Form Details
Name : frmTULogin Caption : Login BackColor : Window Text
Name : lblTeacherLogin Alignment : Center Caption : TeacherLogin BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Hightlight Text Font : Arimo 12px Bold
Name : lblTID Caption : TID BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Hightlight Text
Name : lblTPassword Caption : Password BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Hightlight Text
Name : txtTID Text : 'leave blank'
Name : txtPassword Text : 'leave blank'
All other properties and controls stay the same. Note that the ‘leave blank‘ means you must remove any text already there.
Code for Teacher Login
The code for teacher login is created by modifying the preexisting code of “login dialog” form.
Option Explicit Public LoginSucceeded As Boolean Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() 'set the global var to false ' to denote a failed login LoginSucceeded = False Me.Hide End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() 'making connection Call loadcon rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Teacher ", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly While Not rs.EOF If rs!tid = Val(txtTID) Then 'check for correct password If rs!Password = txtPassword Then frmSplash.userlogin = rs!tid 'place code to here to pass the 'success to the calling sub 'setting a global var is the easiest LoginSucceeded = True frmMenu.Show Unload Me 'closing connection and recordset rs.Close con.Close Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Invalid Password, try again!", , "Login" txtPassword.SetFocus SendKeys "{Home}+{End}" End If End If rs.MoveNext Wend End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() frmSplash.Hide End Sub
Administrator Login
System Diagram for Admin Login
The admin is the user with highest privileges, but the login behavior of administrator staff is the same as everyone.

Form Design (frmALogin)
Create the login form in the same way that you did for student and teacher. See section above.

Component for Admin Login
The list of components for admin login is given below.
Form Details
Name : frmALogin Caption : Login BackColor : Window Text
Name : lblAdminLogin Caption : Admin Login BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text Font : Arimo 12px Bold
Name : lblAID Caption : AID BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text
Name : lblAPassword Caption : Password BackColor : Window Text ForeColor : Highlight Text
Name :txtAID Text : 'leave blank'
Name :txtPassword Text : 'leave blank'
Code for Admin Login
Option Explicit Public LoginSucceeded As Boolean Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() 'set the global var to false ' to denote a failed login LoginSucceeded = False Me.Hide End Sub Private Sub cmdOK_Click() 'making connection Call loadcon rs.Open "SELECT * FROM Admin ", con, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly While Not rs.EOF If rs!AID = Val(txtAID) Then 'check for correct password If rs!Password = txtPassword Then frmSplash.userlogin = rs!AID 'place code to here to pass the 'success to the calling sub 'setting a global var is the easiest LoginSucceeded = True frmMenu.Show Unload Me 'closing connection and recordset rs.Close con.Close Exit Sub Else MsgBox "Invalid Password, try again!", , "Login" txtPassword.SetFocus SendKeys "{Home}+{End}" End If End If rs.MoveNext Wend End Sub Private Sub Form_Load() frmSplash.Hide End Sub
In the next part we will continue building the interface for the attendance management system.