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JS: push() Method

    The JavaScript <span style="color:#a30000" class="tadv-color">push()</span> method is part of array class. It pushes an element at the end of the array.

    It is possible to push more than one element at the same time using this method.

    The types of items that you can push using <span style="color:#a30a00" class="tadv-color">push()</span> method are

    • single element
    • multiple element
    • sub arrays

    In this article, we will push the above mentioned elements into an array called <span style="color:#a31400" class="tadv-color">fruits.</span>

    Push Single Element

      var fruits = ['apple','orange'];
    //output = ['apple','orange','banana']

    Push Multiple Elements

    You can push more than one elements into the array using <span style="color:#a30000" class="tadv-color">push()</span> method.

      var fruits = ['apple','orange'];
    //output = ['apple','orange','banana','grapes','mango']

    Push a sub-array

    When you push a sub-array into a JavaScript array, a two-dimensional array is created.

      var fruits = ['apple','orange'];
    //output = ['apple','orange','banana',['plums','mango']]

    The sub-array is indicated using another square bracket.