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Python if Statement

    In python programming, you can run a specific block of code with the help of conditions. Usually, these types of block start with if statement.

    The if statement in python can change the direction of the program with these conditions. Suppose condition is true, then block \hspace{3px}A will be executed and if condition is false, then nothing happens. The program continues with the rest of the statements. See the figure below

    Python If Block
    Python If Block

    In the figure above, if the condition x > 10 is true, the python executes the block \hspace{3px} A statements. If the condition is false, nothing happens.

    Example – if block

    In this example, we will check if a customer has enough cash to buy a product whose price and tax if given. If the customer has enough cash, then he can buy the product, otherwise, purchase cannot be made.

    # Customer declare the amount of cash
    cash_available = 5000
    # Price of the item is 3000 and tax amount is 100.
    price = 3000
    tax = 100
    # Now we check if cash is less than total of price and tax, so that we can # decide the purchase
    if cash <= price + tax:
        total_amount = price + tax
        print("Purchase Successful", total_amount)
    print("Transaction Completed")

    In the program above, observe how if statement ends with a semi-colon. Also, watch each line start with an indentation and not with a curly \hspace{3px} brace. The semi-colon is a way to tell the program that a new block is starting after the if statement. Statements inside a single block must have the same indentation rules.

    Output – if Block

    The output of the above program is as follows.

    Purchase Successful 3100
    Transaction Completed