In previous lessons, you learned about graph models and some basic graph terminologies.
In this lesson, you will learn about simple graph types, we learned earlier that a simple graph is one in which each edge has two unique vertices.
Simple Graph Types
The following is a list of simple graph types that we are going to explore.
- Complete Graph
- Cycles
- Wheels
- n-Cube
- Bipartite Graph
- Complete Bipartite Graph
Let us discuss each one them.
Complete Graph
A complete graph on n vertices, denoted by is a simple graph that contains exactly one edge between each pair of distinct vertices. It any edge from the pair of distinct vertices is not connected then it is called non-complete.
Here are some examples of complete graph.
A cycle is denoted as where
consists of n vertices v1, v2, …, vn and edges { v1, v2 }, { v2, v3 }, …, { vn, v1}.
Here are some examples of cycles.
A wheel graph is easy to construct. You get a wheel, when you add an additional vertex to a cycle
, for
and place it in center of the cycle. This will connect each of the n vertices of cycle using new edges.
Some examples of wheels.
A n-dimensional hyper-cube or n-cube is denoted by is simple graph that has vertices representing the
bit-strings of length n.
In this scheme, two vertices are adjacent iff the bit strings differ only in one bit position. If this is confusing for you, see the following example.
Suppose is given by following diagram.
The n-Cube, graph contains bit string length of 1. To construct
write another copy of
and prefix 0 and 1 to each opposite end.
Similarly, to draw graph from
, do same as above, make a copy of
and add 0 and 1 to opposite ends everywhere. Then join them by edges.
Bipartite Graphs
There is a special type of simple graph called bipartite graph. A simple graph is bipartite if its vertex set
can be partitioned into two disjoint sets –
, such that every edge in the graph
connects a vertex in
. It means no edge in
connects two distinct vertices in either
When this condition is holds, then you call the pair bi-partition of
of graph
Consider following graphs.
In the first graph, the vertex set is divided into
This graph is a bipartite because there is no edge between nodes of same set. Every edge is connecting two vertices – one from each subset of .
The second graph, the vertex set is divided into
This graph is not a bipartite because and
has an edge and both
belong to subset
Complete Bipartite Graph
If you recall, a complete graph is a graph . However, a complete bipartite graph
has its vertex set
partitioned into m and n vertices, respectively with an edge between two vertices if and only if one vertex is in the first subset and the other vertex is in the second subset.
The total number of vertices in the set and the total number of edges is
in a complete bipartite graph.