Understanding Karnaugh Map

In the previous post, you learned about representing boolean functions as canonical sum of product and canonical product of sum; then you can minimize them in to sum of product form or product of sum form by applying boolean algebra rules. The boolean algebra rules are difficult as the complexity of circuits grow. You cannot … Read more

Boolean Function Minimization Overview

So far you have seen, gates and truth table, and output of each gates and combinations of gated circuits. The circuit is represented in the form of a boolean function. Therefore, the process of design starts with deciding: number of inputs and outputs derive a boolean function that represents the circuit minimize the boolean function … Read more

Boolean Algebra Basics

Boolean algebra basics contains a set of axioms, postulates, and theorems. It also contains a set of elements and operators. The operators are called the binary operators. A set of elements is a collection of objects that have similar properties. This definition of a set is debatable, but that is not the scope of this … Read more

Derived Logic Gates

There are some logic gates that are derived from the basic gates such as AND, OR and NOT by combining them into single unit. These kinds of logic gates are very important for creating complex logic circuits and called Derived logic gates. Types of Derived Gates . Here is a list of derived gate types. … Read more

Logic Gates

In this lesson, you will learn about -logic gates. The logic gates are building blocks of digital circuit to which voltage and current are applied to as binary logic 0 or 1. Voltage or current applied to analog circuits such as telephone systems as analog signals with continuous range from 0 to 5 V. Binary … Read more

Binary-Coded Decimal

In the previous lesson, we learned about binary codes and how they are used for representing a distinct discrete element of information using 1s and 0s. People use the decimal system for everything and it’s easier for them to use decimal numbers on a computer than binary numbers. But binary is what the computer understands. … Read more

Binary Codes

Binary codes are used to represent the distinct discrete element of information. They are patterns of 1s and 0s for a computer to understand information other than binary numbers. The discrete elements of information are not only binary numbers but also, other types of information such as decimal numbers, etc. What is a Binary Code? … Read more


In the previous lesson, we learned about number systems – binary, decimal, octal and hexadecimal number systems in detail. Complements are very helpful in performing subtraction and save computing time and lead to simple circuits. Before we move to subtraction, let’s understand what complement is all about. In simple words, if there is group with … Read more

Number Systems

Numbers are everywhere and used in many places – financial institution, statistics, engineering and so on. Without number system our daily life would be difficult. Humans use a number system called the decimal number system and everyone can easily understand this system. You go to a store to buy something, you need a number system … Read more