VB 6
Student Records Management System in VB 6.0 with Access Database
In this post, we will create an application for Student Record Management System in Visual Basic 6 with Microsoft Access Database. The list of Modules and Forms used in the program as follows. System Design First, we will design the System Model and simple high-level diagram of each module will be enough. There are many … Read more
VB 6.0 Persistent Recordset
When you establish connection with a database such as Microsoft Access or SQL through Visual basic 6 form. You must extract a set of records from one or more tables. These records are stored in a VB 6 object called a recordset. There are two ways to get recordset. ADODC ( ActiveX Object Data Control … Read more
Library Management System using VB 6 with MS Access Database
This article will help you to develop a library management system in Visual basic 6.0 with MS Access as database. To help you understand the project, we have included system diagram , er diagram, table design in MS Access and VB 6 form designs. User Activities Since, this is a medium size project we don’t … Read more
Bank Management System in VB 6.0 using MS Access Database
In this article, you will create an application in visual basic 6.0 with Microsoft access database as a back-end to manage customer transactions and bank employee details. This project is called bank management system in vb 6.0 using ms access. The bank management system in vb 6.0 using ms access. must do the following tasks. … Read more
Employees Record Management using VB 6.0 and MS Access Database
In this article, we will learn to create an application in Visual Basic 6.0 for Employee Record Management in an organization. The application does following tasks Insert, Delete, Update employee records. Compute the Gross Pay and Net Pay of each employee. Maintain records of departments for each employee. Each employee should be able to login … Read more
Payroll Processing System in VB 6 With Ms Access
In this example, we are going to create a payroll processing system in VB 6 with Ms Access as the database. To complete this project, you need a computer with windows operating system XP or higher installed, Visual Basic 6.0 software, and Microsoft Access program anything higher than Ms Access 2003 or higher. For the … Read more
VB 6 Design A Menu
In this article, we will design a menu in VB 6. To create this program, you may require a windows computer with Windows XP or higher operating system and Visual Basic 6.0 installed. Step 1: Create a New VB 6 form Open visual basic 6 and choose “Standard EXE” and your default VB form will … Read more
VB 6 Adding Menu Bar To Form
Visual Basic 6 allows us to add menu bar to the form. You can add your own menu bar to the form and write code to make it work. In this article, we will add a menu bar to a VB 6 form. To add a form, go to Tools > select Menu Editor Once … Read more
VB 6 Form Title
A VB 6 form has a title bar and the title of the form can be changed. In this article, we will talk about two ways to change the title of a form object. Change title from property window. Change title during run-time from code editor. Change title using property window When you select a … Read more