Elementary Row Operations

Earlier we learnt that we can solve for unknown variables by substituting arbitrary values for the equation. You can by solving for or one at a time. Now, a system of equations have equations which we change into a new system having same solution set but simplified and easy to solve. This is achieved by … Read more

Types Of Matrices

In the previous article, we learned about systems of linear equations can be represented using a matrix or augmented matrix. There are many types of matrices which we are going to explore in this post. In general matrix are referred using their order which is where is the rows and is number of columns in … Read more

Consistent And Inconsistent Linear System

Some linear systems have no solution; they are called inconsistent systems. If a linear system has at least one solution than it is called consistent system. To illustrate this with example, consider two linear equations that represents two line on xy-plane given below. where either one variable can be zero, not both. Let us call … Read more

System of Linear Equations

Before you we try to understand the system of linear equations, we must understand the basic terminologies that we are going to use in the linear algebra. Linear Equations Linear equation represents a straight line on a xy-plane or co-ordinate plane. Therefore, linear equation in n variable is given as where $a_{1}, a_{2}, a_{3} \hspace{1ex}$ … Read more

Binary Search Algorithm

The binary search algorithm is very popular search algorithm. It is also known as half-interval search or uniform binary search as it split the array of data into two equal parts recursively until a solution is found. The array in binary search must be sorted. Binary search employ an algorithm design technique known as divide … Read more

Transpose Sequential Search

Earlier you learned about linear search which search for a key from a given array. The search is affected by whether the array is ordered or unordered. The performance get better if the key is found at the beginning of the array. The transpose sequential search does that for repeated searches. It is also known … Read more

Linear Search Algorithms

The linear search is the simplest search where we try to find an element K from the list L. We have to compare K with each and every item in the list. The search is affected when the list if sorted or unsorted. Linear Search Suppose we want to find search key from array with … Read more

Algorithms – Search Techniques Overview

Searching for information is a basic task that we all do. We search for an item in a grocery list, or look for a telephone number from the telephone directory. A common and popular example of searching is Google search where we search for links to web sites such as Notesformsc, or look for specific … Read more