C++ Functions
The C++ functions are user-defined named block of code that performs a specific task. The function takes parameter or no parameters, it may return a… Read More »C++ Functions
The C++ functions are user-defined named block of code that performs a specific task. The function takes parameter or no parameters, it may return a… Read More »C++ Functions
There are three ways to break a control statement – break, continue and goto statements. In this article, you will learn about these statements in… Read More »C++ Breaking Control Statements
The do-while is another type of loop supported by C++ language. In the case of while loop and for loop – three expressions are compulsory.… Read More »C++ Do-While Loop
A while loop is another kind of loop control structure. The loop has initial condition and a test condition to pass before the actual loop… Read More »C++ while Loop
The switch-case statements are similar to if-else-if construct – a multiple decision maker. It allows you to choose a constant (a switch) that matches with… Read More »C++ switch-case Statements
The if-else statement is a conditional statement with an optional else. The if statement executes a block of statements is the condition is true, but… Read More »C++ if-else Statements
The C++ If statement is a conditional statement. The program executes a block of code only if condition is satisfied or true. This changes the… Read More »C++ If Statements
The C++ bit format flags changes the characteristics of .The flags hold the current setting for the . We can turn the flags on or… Read More »C++ Bit Format Flags
The C++ manipulators are stream functions that modify the characteristics of input and output stream. It is used for formating the input and output stream… Read More »C++ Manipulators
In C language, the input and output operations are performed using built-in library functions such as printf() and scanf(). But, C++ uses a new method… Read More »C++ I/O Stream