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Digital Design

    Digital design is also called “Logic design”. The motivation behind the logic design is computer hardware. The computer hardware is analog and totally unrelated to software, programming or binary logic. Digital design help to build systems that can understand logic (1 and 0). These systems consist of digital circuits.

    The digital design contains principles, methods, and techniques to design and build digital circuits at a minimum cost. The design method of the circuit depends on what type of circuit you are building.

    Digital design is also engineering because we are making a system with a lot of digital logic circuits.

    About Tutorial

    This tutorial is for interested computer science students, professionals who want to review basics, and teachers, looking for new material to teach and improve their own knowledge.

    There is no prerequisite to learn from the tutorial. You should read our tutorial and do problems from specific sections, to reinforce your learning.

    Digital Design Tutorial Topics

    List of subtopics for digital design.

    Recommended Books

    It is important to do many practice problems to master digital design topics, because it is foundation of many other subjects in this field especially computer architecture and computer organization.

    Apart from our tutorial online, books are your best friend offline. It is the best way to do self-study at a comfortable pace while you are not on computer. Not only that, if you are student or professional , then book will help you with exams or interviews.

    Here I recommend some books that you can get for yourself and do self-study.