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HTML Tutorial

    HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. The purpose of HTML is to make web pages or web documents. A markup language process and present the information within markup tags.

    There are many web pages which still uses HTML 4.0 version, however, the latest version is HTML 5 getting very popular among the web developers.

    About HTML Tutorial

    Anyone interested in learning HTML can benefit from this tutorial. There is no prior knowledge required for this tutorial except that the learner must know how to operate a PC.

    HTML Tutorial Topics

    This section contains topics for HTML tutorial. Each of the topics have one or more lessons. You can read our tutorial and practice from examples. Below is the link to help started with examples.

    1. HTML Basics

    2. HTML Elements

    3. HTML Form Elements

    4. HTML Layouts

    5. HTML Projects

    All projects involve only CSS, CSS frameworks and HTML. Some projects use HTML 5 which is not mentioned explicitly here.