In the previous article, you learned about the For loop
, however, there is another loop called For...Each
loop similar to For
The For...Each
loop is suitable to go through each item of a collection or an array.
Syntax: For…Each Loop
The syntax for the For..Each loop is given below.
For Each element In group
[Exit For] [Statements]
Next [element]
The keywords are very much similar to for loop but with a difference that the For...Each
loop is suitable for array.
Example Program: For…Each Loop
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim NumArray(2) As String
NumArray(0) = "Ram"
NumArray(1) = "Jaya"
NumArray(2) = "Bruce"
For Each ArrayItem In Num Array
MsgBox (ArrayItem)
Next ArrayItem
End Sub
The above program goes through each item of the array and display the result.
Output – For…Each Loop
In the program above, each time you click on the “OK” button, a different name from the array is displayed.