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Home » VB 6 String Handling

VB 6 String Handling

    Earlier you learned about the string data type. The VB 6 language has many functions to handle string types. In this article, we will present the list of those functions with examples.

    There are two types of strings in VB 6 programming.

    • Variable length strings
    • Fixed length strings

    To declare variable length string you can use following syntax.

    'variable length string declaration
    Dim myStr as String  
    'fixed length string declaration
    Dim myFixedStr as String * 20

    You can notice that we are using asterisk (*) to specify the length of the string which is 20 characters.

    String Handling Functions in VB 6

    String FunctionsDescription
    StrComp()Compares two strings
    StrConv()Convert strings
    Format(), LCase, UCaseConvert A string to lowercase
    or uppercase
    Space(), String()Create strings
    Len()Get the length of the string
    Format Format a string
    LSet, RSetJustify a string
    InStr, Left, Mid, Right, Trim,
    LTrim, RTrim
    Manipulate strings
    Option Comparestring comparison values
    Asc, ChrUse ASC II and ANSI values
    String Handling Functions