A bar chart is used to display statistical data. The 3d bar chart is a type of bar chart in which each bar represents a value. The greater the value, the longer the 3d bar in the 3d bar chart. In this article, you will learn to write a program that will draw a 3d bar chart on the screen.
This program is written using Turbo C++ 3 compiler on a windows 7 64-bit computer.
Problem Definition
We want to write a program that will display a 3d bar chart on the screen. Each bar must have a value associated with it. The program to display 3d bar chart goes through the following steps.
- Declare all graphics and non-graphics variables.
- Initialize the variables.
- Initialize the graphics.
- Set the fill style for 3d bars.
- Set values for each 3d bar.
- Draw the 3d bar.
- Close the graph.
Program Code – 3D Bar Chart
/* Program to create a 3d bar-chart in C */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> #include <graphics.h> int main() { /* Variable declarations */ int gdriver, gmode,i,j; int xs,xe, ys, ye, x, y; /* Variable initialization */ gdriver = DETECT; /* Graph initialization */ initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "d:\\turboc3\\bgi"); /* set the fill style */ setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,LIGHTRED); /* Draw the 3d bar chart */ x = 180; y = 25; outtextxy(x , y , "75000"); outtextxy(x + 50 , y + 50, "55000"); outtextxy(x + 100 , y + 100 , "45000"); outtextxy(x + 170, y + 170 , "30000"); outtextxy(x + 230, y + 230 , "20000"); j = 55; xs = 100;xe = 150, ys = 10, ye = 320; for(i = 0; i<5;i++) { xs = xs + j; ys = ys + j; xe = xe + j; bar3d(xs, ys, xe, ye, (xe - xs)/4, 1); } getch(); /* close the graph */ closegraph(); return 0; }
The following code section gives the values to each bar in the graph. The graphics text is displayed on the top of each 3d bar.
outtextxy(x , y , "75000"); outtextxy(x + 50 , y + 50, "55000"); outtextxy(x + 100 , y + 100 , "45000"); outtextxy(x + 170, y + 170 , "30000"); outtextxy(x + 230, y + 230 , "20000");
Output – 3D Bar Chart