The C programming language graphics support allows creating polygon shapes with N points. Each of these N points must be a pair of coordinates. In this article, you will write a program to draw a polygon shape in C language.
Problem Definition
We wish to create a polygon shape with 4 points. Each of the points will be represented using a pair (x, y) where x is x-coordinate and y is y-coordinate in the x-axis and y-axis respectively.
The program must go through the following steps to create a polygon:
- Declare all variables including graphics variables and polygon array.
- Initialize all variables.
- Initialize the graph while the path is set to the graphics driver.
- Assign values to polygon array in pairs.
- Use drawpoly( ) function to draw the polygon shape.
- Close the graph.
Program Code – Polygon using drawpoly( )
/* C Program to draw a Polygon in C language */ #include <graphics.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <conio.h> int main() { /* Declaring a variable */ int gdriver, gmode; /* Polygon array to define points on the polygon shape */ int poly[10]; /* Initialize the variables */ gdriver = DETECT; /* Initialize the graph and set path to BGI files */ initgraph(&gdriver, &gmode, "D:\\TURBOC3\\BGI"); /* Polygon Points in Pairs */ poly[0] = 20; /* 1st vertex */ poly[1] = 100; poly[2] = 120; poly[3] = 140; /* 2nd vertex */ poly[4] = 240; poly[5] = 260; /* 3rd vertex */ poly[6] = 120; poly[7] = 320; /* 4th vertex */ poly[8] = poly[0]; poly[9] = poly[1]; /* The polygon does not close automatically, so we close it */ /* Draw the Polygon */ drawpoly(5, poly); getch(); /* Close the graph */ closegraph(); return 0; }