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Home » C Program to demonstrate usage of #error directive

C Program to demonstrate usage of #error directive

    The #error directive is one of the C preprocessor directives whose purpose is to stop the compilation process when a violation of constraint is found.

    This program demonstrates the use of #error directive in Turbo C++ that is running on a DOS Box 0.74 system running on a Windows 7 64-bit PC.

    Problem Definition

    In this program, we are trying to write a program for finding q square-root of a number. To find square root we need a function called sqrt() which is part of Math.h header file.

    The header file is not included in the programming which is an error. The #error directive will find this error and throw a user-defined message before terminating the compilation process.

    Program Code – #error

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #ifndef _MATH_H
    #error First include header file then compile
        float a,b = 25;
              a = sqrt(b);
              return 0;

    Output – #error directive

    The output from the program is a compilation error – #error directive in turbo C++ compiler.

    First include header file then compile