The best way to learn C programming is by practicing lots of example programs. The benefit of practicing examples, besides learning concepts is improved problem-solving skills and coding skills. Some programs in the list given below include flowchart to help you understand the program logic. We highly recommend trying these examples on your own, before comparing the solutions.
The prerequisites to learn and practice these examples listed below.
- C Tutorial – learn C programming language before you practice example programs.
- C Compiler – you will need a C compiler to run these example programs. Learn how to install Turbo C++ 3.0 compiler.
- Pen and Paper – Some programs especially math related programs require you to verify the output manually.
C Examples
Here is a list of example C programs.
Math C Programs
- Reverse a Number
- Sum of First N Natural Numbers
- A Simple Calculator
- Swap Two Numbers
- Reminder without Modulo
- Compute Standard Deviation
- Find Reminder and Quotient
- Find Average Age
- GCD of Two Numbers
- Compute Nth Factorial Recursion
- Check Prime or Not
- Compute Nth Fibonacci Number
- Check Armstrong Number Or Not
- Find Permutation And Combination
- Manipulate Matrices
- Gauss Elimination Method
- Compute Determinant 3 x 3 Matrix
- Find Area of a Triangle
- Generate Random Numbers
- Sum of Geometric Progression
- Identify a Quadrilateral
- Law of Sine Problems
- Compute Cosine Series
String C Programs
Graphics C Programs