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JavaScript – Exercise 12 – Arrays

    JavaScript arrays can hold different types of data unlike other programming languages like C, C++, and Java. In this article, you will create a simple array and store elements in the array.

    Structure of array declaration

    To declare an array in JavaScript use following syntax.

    arrayName = [];  //declare an empty array
    arrayName = [23, "Car", 45.66, 'B'];   //Assign values later 
    var arr = [34,56,77,2,6];

    JavaScript push() and pop() method

    You can use JavaScript arrays like a stack. You can push element using the push() method or delete an element from the array.

    Elements from array are pushed or deleted from the rear end of the array. You can consider the rear end of the array as top of stack.

    var arr = [44,55,66,77];
    // calling push function to insert 88
    // calling push function to insert 100
    // display the array
    // delete an element using pop() function 
    // display array

    Two Dimensional Array

    JavaScript allows you to create a multidimensional array. The two dimensional array has rows and columns. To create a two dimensional array use following syntax.

    var arrTwoDimensional = [ [2,5],[3,6],[,4,8] ];

    Example Program:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>JavaScript - Array Stack</title>
      <meta charset = "utf-8">
    var arr = [44,55,66,77];
     // calling push function to insert 88
     // calling push function to insert 100
     // display the array
     document.write(arr + "<br>");
     // delete an element using pop() function 
     // display array
     document.write(arr + "<br>");
    var arrtwoDimensional = [[2,3],[4,5],[6,7]];
    arrtwoDimensional.push([8,9] + "<br>");

    Output – JavaScript Arrays

    Output-Exercise12-JavaScript Arrays
    Output – JavaScript Arrays